Friday, April 8, 2011

"Oh S***."

Well... I dropped my phone in the toilet... before I got the chance to flush it.  Its awesome. I have the phone airing out right now.  I took all of the pieces apart and set them out to dry... but honestly, I'm not sure if its worth it. I don't think I'll be using that phone again.  And the worst part is, I was borrowing it from a friend because my other one broke.

-SORRY CARTER, you won't be getting this phone back.-

Anyway. Mom, Patti, and AJ left this morning for Utah to see Vic.  Guess I won't be talking to them until they get back. But on the bright side, I have the house to myself for a few days.  Actually, that's not the bright side because I think I am going to be bored out of my mind. BLAH.

Well, FOR REAL on the bright side, Bristol seems to be doing MUCH better today.  She is still pretty tired, but doesn't seem to be in much pain. YAY, no grouchy dog today!

Since I have the day off work today and I am already done with class, I decided to make this a packing day, since I will be moving most of my stuff up in a week from tomorrow. 6 boxes down (if shoe boxes count, that is)... the rest of my room to go!

Oh, and if anyone has an extra AT&T phone, I will be happy to buy it from you (because I don't trust myself to borrow anymore).

By the way, it is currently snowing in Utah. <3

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