Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So this past weekend was crazy.  As you all know at this point, Brandon and I moved into our apartment! Unfortunately, I had to come back to Indy to wait until the school semester is over.  =[ It just sucks FINALLY 'living together' and STILL being long distant. Only 18 more days though!

So when I got there, my sister, Katie and future bro-in-law, Chris helped us unload the moving truck and get it all into the apt (the word 'house' is easier to write, so when I say 'house', I really mean 'apartment', just FYI).  We ate some pizza, then talked for a little bit (It was a long two hour drive!), then we went back to Brandon's mom's house to get our couch and our entertainment center, took it back to the apartment, and left it on the moving truck so we didn't have to paint around it.

The painting went really well! We got off to a rough start with the red paint in the living room.  We didn't realize how many coats it would take.. and honestly it could probably take another, but we figure we are going to decorate the walls with pictures and paintings, so we don't think anyone will even notice. =p

Sorry the quality is so bad, it was taken from my cell phone.  But I will be back up there next week to stay a night or too since I have a few days off work and I have to go interview for my transfer up to Fort Wayne! I will post some more pictures of the finished product!! <3 

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting Holly! Thanks for sharing and keeping us updated! Love you both!
