Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fort Wayne, IN 46835

^^That's part of my new address! =] (Of course I wouldn't put the whole thing on the internet, that would be silly!) =p

So I have been here for about 4 days now and I still don't feel like I LIVE here yet. I still feel like I am going to wake up in a few days and think, I need to go home, or I need to go back to work or something like that. Its weird!

Speaking of work, my first day was last night.  I worked a 1-9:30 on my first day. Its a much bigger city, and it is in a HUGE mall. They are a 1.5 Million dollar store, the one I came from, in a small town, strip mall store, trailing 700K, that's a huge difference.  I was expecting the store would be slammed yesterday but it was more like Brownsburg slow. HAHA I straightened the heck out of that store, and it needed it.  I never considered myself a neat freak until I was in a messy environment. HAHA but it was all good, they are really really busy 90% of the time, and don't always get to straightening. I guess its good that I'm there! =p My next shift is tomorrow3-close again, so hopefully it will be faster-paced. I'm ready to take on this challenge.

Bristol seems to be doing alright. She's been acting a little weird since we got here on Saturday, but I think pretty soon she'll realize she's home! Last night, Brandon got home from work a few hours before me, so he took her for a walk, and then when they got back he started working on the 'stay' command. I worked with her on it before, but I could only get her to stay for about 5 seconds. Brandon got her to stay for about 20 seconds! She's doing a lot better! We go on a lot of walks though.  Since she can't really run around the place like she used to at the parents' house, I take her out a lot, and I can tell you I have DEFINITELY seen a difference in her attitude. Its soo much better!

I need to go to the post office today to get my mail forwarded, and go get my engagement ring resized/fixed, because a diamond fell out. =[ I also need to be here though in case the maintenance guys come to fix the bathroom sink (there's no water pressure) and then the bathtub drain (it doesn't drain very well.. we stand in about 4 inches of water when we shower, gross.)

Well, anyway, I hope you all have had a wonderful time hearing about my life, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Its the final countdown.

I know I haven't written anything in a long time, sorrrry. Not that anyone reads this anyway! HAHA

But a lot has gone on since last time I wrote.  This is my last week living in Hendricks County! I am so excited to be moving up to Fort Wayne this weekend! Mom and Vic are going to come up with me to see the apartment, and maybe show them around town a little bit! I am really excited for them to see it! I thought mom was going to have to work this weekend because Megan, their fill-in girl, doesn't like to work weekends... even though that's kind of all she's there for.

But that's exciting!

This is my last week of school too! I have class tonight, I have to turn in a binder (that's my final), and then I'm done! Tomorrow night I will be done with my Office class, and then Friday I am done with my math class! Then Saturday I will be on my way up to my apartment!

I'm really sad to leave work. =[  I have two more shifts left! I am going to miss the girls there! It was so nice working with people that I could be friends with. Love you guys!

Anyway... I interviewed in the FW store to transfer up there, and I found out this week that I got the job.  I am getting less hours and less pay, but it'll be ok for now. I just can't spend ANY money until I get a second job. I hope I can find a full-time job!

Brandon started his new job! He is doing really well!  And he really likes it. He is doing training for the next couple weeks but after that he gets to actually do the call center thing. So that'll be nice.

I took Bristol up with me last week so the apartment. I also left her there with Brandon so he wouldn't be lonely but she needed a haircut and to get the rest of her stuff. But she'll be going up with us this weekend for good! And speaking of getting her hair cut...

Beetle before...

And after.
She's so cute! <3

Well, I need to go get some stuff ready for class, shower, and get some more stuff packed. We are getting internet on saturday at the apt, so I will be able to post some pictures when I get up there!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So this past weekend was crazy.  As you all know at this point, Brandon and I moved into our apartment! Unfortunately, I had to come back to Indy to wait until the school semester is over.  =[ It just sucks FINALLY 'living together' and STILL being long distant. Only 18 more days though!

So when I got there, my sister, Katie and future bro-in-law, Chris helped us unload the moving truck and get it all into the apt (the word 'house' is easier to write, so when I say 'house', I really mean 'apartment', just FYI).  We ate some pizza, then talked for a little bit (It was a long two hour drive!), then we went back to Brandon's mom's house to get our couch and our entertainment center, took it back to the apartment, and left it on the moving truck so we didn't have to paint around it.

The painting went really well! We got off to a rough start with the red paint in the living room.  We didn't realize how many coats it would take.. and honestly it could probably take another, but we figure we are going to decorate the walls with pictures and paintings, so we don't think anyone will even notice. =p

Sorry the quality is so bad, it was taken from my cell phone.  But I will be back up there next week to stay a night or too since I have a few days off work and I have to go interview for my transfer up to Fort Wayne! I will post some more pictures of the finished product!! <3 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Holly the Housewife.

Well I am driving myself crazy.
I can't really do much else until it is time to pack the truck up and that has to wait until Saturday so that Katie and Chris can help me move.

Tomorrow's game plan: 
Move mattress and box spring down to front room
Move patio furniture to the garage
Finish my coffee table I've been working on for weeks (all I have left to do it two coats of polyeurathane on the                table top)
Find all of Brandon's clothes he has left here
Pack my duffle for the weekend
Get my camera ready for vow renewal pictures on Sunday
Get gas
Pass a math test
Go to the bank
Pick up the Ranch chip dip I left at work accidentally (too good to waste!!)
Return a wallet that I bought because it broke! =[
And I imagine I am forgetting SOMETHING because, well, its me.

Speaking of remembering.. funny side story:
I was working with Amanda tonight and on the register screen, it prompted her to call this number for an authorization code.  I walked up to the register in the middle of her being on the phone with them and after I figured out what she was doing, I typed in a number and it worked.  It was amazing that I knew that. Ok, one time when I first started working there I THINK someone told me that 8-digit number and SOMEHOW i remembered it. But I couldn't even remember what I had for breakfast that same morning?

Ok, so it wasn't really that funny. I think I'm just more amazed than anything. My mind works in the weirdest ways.

My mom is so cool! (There was absolutely no transition into that paragraph... sorry)
She bought me some house-warming gifts while she was in Utah! She got me a scrubber, some plastic mixing spoons (yes, I am very excited about these things!!) AAAANNNDDD while she was there, she went into a store called Sur La Table (which is an awesome store and it is ever awesomer that my future step sister-in-law works there!) and she got me the cutest apron! I look like a little housewife in it. I <3 it...Thanks Mom!!
The picture is from my cell phone from 2006, so of course the quality is bad, but just trust me that it is adorable. =]

Speaking of housewives, I may be one if I don't get on looking for a second job! I absolutely love working for Maurices, it just isn't going to pay the bills.  I need something else to actually make some money.  I'm thinking about applying to some banks maybe for full-time.  Or I am always open to suggestions of course! =]  But I def need to stay at maurices... especially if my full-time job requires me to dress up, then I will get 40% off my work clothes. ; ]

Well, I am just going to relax and go to bed tonight, not worrying about packing or moving or ANYTHING. I am just going to get some rest for my math test tomorrow morning and leave the worrying for tomorrow!

Hope you all have a wonderful night!


So I told myself I would wake up early today, and even though I hit the snooze button a few times, I got up! 9:30am comes early when you're used to waking up at 11 every morning (I'm trying to break that habit!).

Well, I had a list of things to do and I got them all done! And only in about 45 minutes! I had to call AT&T, call to confirm my rental truck for saturday, send some mail and finish painting my table.  It doesn't seem like that much, and it really wasn't, I just thought it would've taken a lot longer to get done.

Now I have a new to-do list for tomorrow:

Pass my math test;
move stuff;
pack, pack, pack;
get ready to move;

I know, its going to be an intense day. Haha, but really, mom and I got the bookcases moved down to the garage last night, so tomorrow I have to get my mattress and boxsprings down, along with the love seat (which is also a pull-out couch so it is WAY heavier than normal love seats!), the patio furniture, and anything up in my room that I may be forgetting.  The garage is pretty full now, I really hope it all fits between the moving truck, my SUV, and Chris' little Suzuki!

[Here come yo baby mama.. ridin a Suzuki] (That one is for Katie.)

But yes, I am going to work today and coming home to relax and worry about all this moving stuff tomorrow! I get paid tomorrow too! (Except for the fact that pretty much my entire paycheck is going to Brandon for rent/the dog deposit, the electricity, and the paint we had to buy.. well, HE bought it, I just have to give him my half).

SATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY! Its finally almost here! It seriously has taken forever! The only thing is, I have to come back home on Monday. =[  But by then, we'll be down to less than three weeks.  I used to think that would fly by until this week happened. -This has seriously been the slowest week of my life.  It'll probably hold that record until the first week of May when its time to move for good!

I need to try to not be as excited about it. I just miss Brandon so much, its hard not to be excited about it! =[

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

+1, -4, -24

So you are all probably sick of hearing this buuut.... OUR LEASE STARTED YESTERDAY! woooo!

The only problem is, I can't move in until the semester is over. =[ But at least its real and I have a place to call "home". 

Brandon has already started moving some stuff in. He took all of our kitchen stuff like plates, glasses, bowls, pots and pans, etc., as well as our bed set, decorations, etc. etc. etc.... He was checking the place out and luckily he did because he found out that there are a few things wrong with it.. our bathroom sink drain plug thing doesn't work, the kitchen cabinets are BARELY big enough for our dishes, and the bathtub is missing the handle that controls the temp and turning it on/off.  BUT OTHER THAN THAT it perfect! =]

I have a couple days off work this week and my plan is to get a bunch of things packed up and in the garage, ready to go.  Well, I got most of it down there, I just need to get my bed, the bookcases (that are full of Katie's stuff), the patio furniture, and the love seat out there. I really hope the moving truck is big enough because well, let's face it, I'm cheap and got the smallest truck there was.  I'm sorry, but if I am the one picking up/dropping off, driving the truck, AND moving everything myself i REALLY don't think it should cost $153.00!!!! I'm only going 125 miles! I think its stupid personally. Oh, and to save even more money on it.. don't tell anyone but I'm lying and saying my mom is driving it so we don't have to buy the insurance and pay the fees for drivers under 24.  Chris is going to be the one driving and of course, he is only 23. 

Stupid rules.

Anyway, I stayed over at Kaitie's house in West Lafayette last night.  I brought Bristol with me because
1. I don't trust her by herself and
2. With her having her surgery, I'm really scared she is going to get an infection.  

But we had a lot of fun just laughing, catching up, and we even invented a new drinking game. (Its our own version of  'Short Bus', but it is an inappropriate name, so I'll just leave that out). We also found these pouches at Walmart that are pre-made mixed drinks.  You put them in the freezer and they are ready to drink within a few hours or so.  So we froze them and cut a little hole in the pouch and stuck a straw in it... it was like capri sun for adults! It was pretty awesome!

But back to my point, I stayed at Kaitie's last night and she has three cats... I am very allergic to cats. I thought leaving her place would make me feel better, but it didn't.  Then I thought a really hot shower would make me feel better, but then really it just made my nose run even more. I just feel like BLAH

Since I'm not feeling great, I'm going to class.  I mean I MAY miss a lot in this class... it is Career Exploration at Ivy Tech Community College.... It'll be hard to make it up, but I will try to manage somehow... =p

I'm so happy I got to see my future step-sister-in-law and her baby, Lacey today! I love seeing them! I took some family pictures for them a few weeks ago and they came by today to pick them up! Jennifer brought their puppy Sparticus with her.  Sparty and Beetle are the same size, and pretty much the same age. They had a lot of fun playing together.  I wish B would give other dogs a chance and get to know them.. usually she just tries to attack them. =\  I'm eventually going to get sued

Well, I need to go pick everyone up from the airport.  From Utah, to Indiana... how exciting! Not.

Friday, April 8, 2011

"Oh S***."

Well... I dropped my phone in the toilet... before I got the chance to flush it.  Its awesome. I have the phone airing out right now.  I took all of the pieces apart and set them out to dry... but honestly, I'm not sure if its worth it. I don't think I'll be using that phone again.  And the worst part is, I was borrowing it from a friend because my other one broke.

-SORRY CARTER, you won't be getting this phone back.-

Anyway. Mom, Patti, and AJ left this morning for Utah to see Vic.  Guess I won't be talking to them until they get back. But on the bright side, I have the house to myself for a few days.  Actually, that's not the bright side because I think I am going to be bored out of my mind. BLAH.

Well, FOR REAL on the bright side, Bristol seems to be doing MUCH better today.  She is still pretty tired, but doesn't seem to be in much pain. YAY, no grouchy dog today!

Since I have the day off work today and I am already done with class, I decided to make this a packing day, since I will be moving most of my stuff up in a week from tomorrow. 6 boxes down (if shoe boxes count, that is)... the rest of my room to go!

Oh, and if anyone has an extra AT&T phone, I will be happy to buy it from you (because I don't trust myself to borrow anymore).

By the way, it is currently snowing in Utah. <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Cone Head =[

So Bristol went into the vet today to get fixed.  If you thought she was a diva before... you should see her NOW.  I mean, I know I can't blame her for it.  She's in a lot of pain, and well, let's face it, if you had to try to fall asleep with your head in a cone after all of your insides were taken out, you'd probably be a bit of a diva too.

I just feel so bad for her because she keeps moaning and sighing and moving around.  I KNOW she is hurting and I really can't do anything for her. =[ I just feel so bad for her because she doesn't understand why she is feeling bad.  She won't give me any kisses because she's mad at me.

I KNOW I'm starting to sound like one of those crazy dog ladies, but I just feel bad.  This is my first dog I've been responsible for and I am so emotionally attached to her.
[[for reals, you would think Bristol was my child if you didn't know any better.]]

Ok, I'm done talking about it... But here's a cute picture. =p

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Speaking of Expenses...

So in the last blog I posted, I was talking about how expensive everything is and how the cost of living is so ridiculous.  Thank you, TLC for helping me to find a way to cut back a little bit.


I know, I know, we have all seen the show and we make fun of these people for buying 62 bottles of mustard just  because it ends up being free. But honestly... I actually admire them for this.  It is a SKILL. 

I have already decided I am going to try this.  Maybe I won't be so extreme about it (I will PROBABLY only get the things Brandon and I would actually use), but hey, if I can walk out of Kroger with a week's worth of groceries for $1.27, why WOULDN'T I do that?!

I figured out how they do it. 

First: go through local grocery ads and see what is on sale.

Next: look online at manufacturer coupons for the same items that are on sale.

Print off the coupons, use it with the sales in the store, and then use your customer card on top of that. You will save between 60 and 90%.

(...or so they say)

I, myself, have not tried this yet.  They say it takes hours to prepare for and I'm just not sure if I have the time.  BUT THEN AGAIN... If I can't find a full-time job when I move, then maybe I will have time to do this.  Plus if I don't have a full-time job, I probably SHOULD be couponing.

Well, if anyone reading this actually does this, let me know how you do it! Maybe I can start a club up in Fort Wayne where a bunch of people get together and clip coupons.  That'd be fun, right?! ........

First blog, 30 days to go!

Well, even though I am still living at home in the H.Co, I though 30 days would be a good time to start writing.  I think I will maybe talk about my packing/moving progress as well as share some things maybe I have learned during the process.

I actually have had a really good time lately hanging out with the family.  I am trying to spend as much time with them as possible before I move.  I know it is only two hours away, but with all the expenses of living on your own it is going to be hard to come back home often.

Speaking of expenses.... o.m.g. I had no idea how expensive things can be! I guess it is ok when you split it two ways, but still.  There's no way I could afford to live by myself! And have you ever moved before? For 125 miles, Budget trucks cost $150+! And THEY don't even move it for you, you have to do all of the driving and all of the loading/unloading yourself. They make you think you are getting a deal by saying, "FREE UNLIMITED MILES" on the website, but if I'm not paying for the miles, what AM I paying for?? I suppose gas isn't included in that cost either. Oh well, I guess its that or no bed, love seat, bookcases, or patio furniture for us!

Also, I am trying to get my dog Bristol (or "Beetle") ready for the move too! Besides packing up her hairbows and winter coat (yes, my dog has a winter coat! [she's pure white and we would lose her in the snow]) we are also making sure she is in perfect health! She is actually going in tomorrow to get fixed so we don't have any little Beetles running around the tiny apartment! Trust me, that's the LAST thing we need!! Not only that, we are also getting her hair cut hopefully next week!
         PS, for those of you in Pittsboro, you should get your dog groomed by Kim. I honestly don't know her last name, but she is awesome with animals! She works from her home... If you are interested, I will get you in contact with her!! (and she's cheap!!)

ANYWAY, on April 16th I will be renting a Budget truck and taking all of our big items up to Fort Wayne.  Our lease starts -THIS MONDAY- so I am taking the following weekend off of work to move some stuff up there! We are also going to start painting then as well! Little Beetle is going to make that trip with me so that she can smell the place out and get at least a little familiar with it before we move for good in May. I wouldn't want to take her up with my in May and expect her to live in a place she has never seen/smelled before! Hopefully this will make it less stressful!

Well, we have a big day tomorrow, Bristol has to be at the vet in Danville at 8am! I wish I could explain to her what is going to happen to her. It makes me so sad to think how scared she is going to be. =[

Ok, well on THAT note.. Goodnight, friend (That was for my mom.)